Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring
New roles, new leaders
Today, it is not possible to limit leadership to the influence of managers, nor to understand it within the limits of the organization. Complex global relationship networks influence the creation of new trends as well as new problems and solutions.
Organizations and people need to develop new skills to consciously choose what and how to lead and follow in highly complex and competitive environments. These skills include the ability to improve self-leadership, as well as leading and following others or a context.
To facilitate learning at different levels and encourage new person-organization commitments, we need to foster new leadership styles and new roles to guide, accompany, train or inspire employees, bosses or clients.
Coach and Mentor training programs develop these new roles from different phases, from preparing for the new role, to fully developing that role in the organization or in a part of it. The new roles of coaches, tutors, or mentors increase the career development opportunities of those who exercise them and optimize the processes of organizational learning, integration, retention and development of Talent.